


The Apprentice App is a redesign/repurposing of the app. The app is a robust application for chess players with a large feature set including: games of chess against a computer or people, tactics puzzles, lessons, videos, and tournaments to name a few. This large set of features, the appearance of the app and it’s navigation, and their approach to teaching chess, are all indicators that their target audience is more experienced or interested chess players. This prompted the idea for a redesign that would suit new comers to chess by approaching the learning process as a game with softer, more light hearted visuals, in an attempt to make learning chess a bit less intimidating.

The Problem: 

"Chess can be an intimidating game to learn and many current chess apps are geared towards more experienced players. "

Value Proposition: 
"Our Chess Learning App helps intimidated new comers to chess who want to master an exciting new game by making it more accessible and turning the learning process, itself, into a game "

Audience Persona: 


Through the user flow of completing lessons and wager puzzles, the user can gain points and grow in rank (left), until they reach the rank of King (right) where they will then be able to challenge other players who have reached the rank of King. (1).gif

Here is a link to the presentation deck for this application including: the problem being solved, a value proposition, a persona for the new target audience, and screenshots of the past app as well as iterations of the redesign.

Technologies used:


  • Adobe Xd (during iteration process)

  • Adobe Suite (assets)


Apprentice App began with the idea of redesigning the to be more geared towards new comers to chess. Originally, I thought that timed chess puzzles would be beneficial to do this, in order to make it less intimidating to learn such an in depth game, especially for those who were busy but wanted to pick it up in their free time. 

Sample of original sketches for the UI

Sample of original sketches for the UI

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